Virtue Requires A Firm Mind

An old javanese quotes can sometimes be a soul guidance for us to have peace in our life. Because it is not just a word or sayings, they became a proverb or quotes as they came from the ancestor's of people in Java Island, who based on their personal experience or from their observation of their environtment had put on a deep thought for a long time and arrange it into a meaningful quotes that can be easily understood by all people so that they can get lesson from it.

One of the example is this proverb below, i believe you can help me to figure out the essential lesson and value inside this javanese quote about humanity. -

Javanese Quotes - Virtue Requires A Firm Mind

Virtue Requires A Firm Mind
Google Image - Virtue Requires A Firm Mind

Javanese Version:
Ngudi laku utama kanthi sentosa ing budi.

English Version:
Virtue requires a firm mind.

So, have you figure out the meaning from the javanese quotes above? What do you think about it? Let me know your opinion by leaving them in the comment box below. Thank you.

Trust me! this one is a good quotes from Java Island "A Good Heart Results From True Knowlege".

Virtue Requires A Firm Mind