A Good Heart Results From True Knowledge

Do you know why did we have to study? Well, because my parents told me so. Yeah, that's true, but why did they want us to study? The answer is, because they know that only by studying that we can improve ourself. What kind of improvement? the first is of course our knowledge. The more we read, the more we listen, and the more we learn, our knowledge will improve gradually.

So what is the relationship between knowledge and a good heart in this javanese quotes? for this question, let me share my oppinion to you. I believe that we can make a better decission of what to do when we know more, or in this case when we have a lot of knowledge. And this is how we will have a good heart. Because someone with a good heart will know exactly what to do. - javanesequotes.blogspot.co.id

Javanese Quotes - A Good Heart Results From True Knowledge

A Good Heart Results From True Knowledge
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Javanese Version:
Ngelmu kang nyata,
karya reseping ati.

English Version:
A good heart results from
true knowledge.

Such a great value inside this ancient proverb from Java. I hope we all can learn something useful from this javanese wisdom quotes. Thank you for your visit. If you like this quotation, you may also like another javanese quotes entitled "A Good Heart Is The Way To Happiness".

A Good Heart Results From True Knowledge