A Good Heart Is The Way To Happiness

Happines is not about how much that we have or how much that we don't have. But it is about how much we can respect what is there in front of us and be grateful with it. It is just like the lesson inside this javanese quotes that I am about to show you. It implicitly stated that happiness is all about a good heart, and I think it is true.

let's read this following ancient proverb from Java together and figure out the value inside it. - javanesequotes.blogspot.co.id

Javanese Quotes - A Good Heart Is The Way To Happiness

A Good Heart Is The Way To Happiness
Google Image - A Good Heart Is The Way To Happiness

Javanese Version:
Ati suci marganing rahayu.

English Version:
A good heart is the way to happiness.

Happiness is about feelings, and feelings is about heart. So as long as you keep your heart in a good condition, then you will be happy. Share this javanese quotes to your friends and family, and you will share happiness in the same time.

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A Good Heart Is The Way To Happiness