A Noble Man Can Be Identified By His Fine Behaviour

Some people might think that "Nobility" is all about blood line, whether you are a royal blood or not. But it turn out that it was not the measurment for a nobility since a long time ago. As a matter of fact this ancient javanese quotes stated that it is the behaviour that become an identity for a noble man. Which mean that for the people in java island, who ever you are, you can be a noble man, as long as you keep your attitude. - javanesequotes.blogspot.co.id

Javanese Quotes - A Noble Man Can Be Identified By His Fine Behaviour

A Noble Man Can Be Identified By His Fine Behaviour
Google Image - A Noble Man Can Be Identified By His Fine Behaviour

Javanese Version:
Titikane aluhur, alusing solah tingkah budi bahasane
lan legawaning ati, darbe sipat berbudi bawaleksana.

English Version:
A noble man can be identified by his fine behaviour,
sincerity, and generosity.

So, what do you think about it? Life is always about choice, right? we can choose to be anything or anyone. We just have to choose and do it. Now, what about checking another cool Javanese Quotes that might be just right for you? Okey? Here you go .. "Good And Evil Is Within You".

A Noble Man Can Be Identified By His Fine Behaviour