One Receives The Fruits Of One's Own Deeds

This javanese quotes is not only used by the people in Java island, but all people in Indonesia generally. It is believed that when we planted watermelon, it is totally impossible for us to harvest mango at the end. So if we want to be treated well by other person, we have to treat other people well too. Let's find out how was the javanese version of this ancient proverb. -

Javanese Quotes - One Receives The Fruits Of One's Own Deeds

One Receives The Fruits Of One's Own Deeds
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Javanese Version:
Ngundhuh wohing pakarti.

English Version:
One receives the fruits of one's own deeds.

So, we have to remember that if we want to have mango, we have to start planting right now, or let's just buy it.. LoL, we hope you enjoy our article today. Make sure to come back tomorrow for more meaningful javanese quotes. Now let's read another quotation entitled "A Noble Man Can Be Identified By His Fine Behaviour".

One Receives The Fruits Of One's Own Deeds