No Enemy Is More Dangerous Than Evil In One's Own Heart

No Enemy Is More Dangerous Than Evil In One's Own Heart

I agree with this javanese quotes. Because I think that evil in our heart is an invisible enemy, so that we cannot observe its movement and weakness. This is the reason why we need to keep our heart clean all the time. -

Javanese Quotes - No Enemy Is More Dangerous Than Evil In One's Own Heart

No Enemy Is More Dangerous Than Evil In One's Own Heart
Google Image - No Enemy Is More Dangerous Than Evil In One's Own Heart

Javanese Version:
Ora ana satru kang luwih mbebayani tinimbang
ala kang dumunung ana atine dhewe.

English Version:
No enemy is more dangerous than evil in one's own heart.

If we have evil in our heart, it will be difficult for us to find peace, as our heart is always in internal conflict. Not only our heart that we need to keep, but also our brain, because "No Friend Is Worth A High And Useful Knowledge".

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No Friend Is Worth A High And Useful Knowledge

No Friend Is Worth A High And Useful Knowledge

This javanese quotes believe that knowledge is our true companion in life. Because it will always be there when we need to use it, plus it will never betray us. What do you think about it? Let's find out the complete version of this proverb in javanese and english. -

Javanese Quotes - No Friend Is Worth A High And Useful Knowledge

No Friend Is Worth A High And Useful Knowledge
Google Image - No Friend Is Worth A High And Useful Knowledge

Javanese Version:
Ora ana mitra kang ngungkuli kagunan kang luhung lan maedahi.

English Version:
No friend is worth a high and useful knowledge.

Thank you very much for your visit. Don't forget to come back to our website tomorrow. Before you close our website, take one minute to read this article "A Cow That Sounds Loud And Hoarse Gives Little Milk"

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A Cow That Sounds Loud And Hoarse Gives Little Milk

A Cow That Sounds Loud And Hoarse Gives Little Milk

Understanding the value behind a javanese quotes is not always easy. For example this javanese quotes below, If we read the whole sentence and just try to understand the literal meaning, this javanese quotes is already make sense. But, do you think that this javanese quotes still keep another meaning or value behind it? let's find out. -

Javanese Quotes - A Cow That Sounds Loud And Hoarse Gives Little Milk

A Cow That Sounds Loud And Hoarse Gives Little Milk
Google Image - A Cow That Sounds Loud And Hoarse Gives Little Milk

Javanese Version:
Sapi kang seru lan angor swarane,
mesthi sethithik powange.

English Version:
A cow that sounds loud and hoarse
gives little milk.

So, what do you think? have you figure out the value behind the javanese quotes above? Well as for me the literal meaning is enough, that a cow with loud sounds will give little milk. Don't forget to read our article about "A Jug Shakes When Not Fully Filled".

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A Jug Shakes When Not Fully Filled

A Jug Shakes When Not Fully Filled

This javanese quotes mean to tell us that without full understanding on something, we will always be hesitant and can be easily moved from our stance. This is how much important for us to be serious when we study about anything. Let's find out the complete quotation. -

Javanese Quotes - A Jug Shakes When Not Fully Filled

A Jug Shakes When Not Fully Filled
Google Image - A Jug Shakes When Not Fully Filled

Javanese Version:
Jun yen lokak kocak,
yen kebak anteng.

English Version:
A jug shakes when not fully filled,
it is stable when filled fully.

So guys, as long as we have time, try to fill our jug until it is fully filled. Thank you very much for your visit, don't give up on yourself, keep improving, and keep moving forward. Check out another javanese quotes entitled "The Crow Is Loathed Because Of Its Evil Heart".

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The Crow Is Loathed Because Of Its Evil Heart

The Crow Is Loathed Because Of Its Evil Heart

I am not sure about this kind of story in another country, but in Indonesia especially in Java most people believe in the story that a crow is a sign of bad luck. This is the source of the javanese quotes that I am about to show you in this article. Believe it or not, it's totally up to you. -

Javanese Quotes - The Crow Is Loathed Because Of Its Evil Heart

The Crow Is Loathed Because Of Its Evil Heart
Google Image - The Crow Is Loathed Because Of Its Evil Heart

Javanese Version:
Manuk kang dadi cacadan iku gagak,
awit saka olehe candhala atine.

English Version:
The crow is loathed because of its evil heart.

Every place on earth has its own folklore. Sometimes the folklore involve a scary story. It is hard to confirm that this story was based on a real life event took place a long time ago, but we can always take some lesson from it. This javanese proverb is based on one of those story exist in the society of Java. What about you? do you have some scary story from your country? Tell me about it.

Don't forget to read "An Aged Man With Lowly Manners"

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An Aged Man With Lowly Manners

An Aged Man With Lowly Manners

As we grow older, our attitude and thought usually change to be wiser than before. But we have to admit that not all people are like this, some people are just never changes, so when they start as a person with bad attitude they will end up the same. It is just like the javanese quotes that we are about to see below. -

Javanese Quotes - An Aged Man With Lowly Manners

An Aged Man With Lowly Manners
Google Image - An Aged Man With Lowly Manners

Javanese Version:
Wong tuwa umure, asor kelakuanne
iku ora miturut piwulang sing bener.

English Version:
An aged man with lowly manners is one
who does not follow true teachings.

And again, this is how important to have a vast knowledge is in our life. Because knowledge in the form of lesson and experience is what will improve the quality of ourself. Thank you very much for your visit, dont forget to read our article about "One Who Is Clever But Has Bad Manners Likes Evil People".

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One Who Is Clever But Has Bad Manners Likes Evil People

One Who Is Clever But Has Bad Manners Likes Evil People

I am not sure if this javanese quotes is true, but as a matter of fact it already exist for years. So it is up to you as the reader to believe it or not. But in my opinion, it is true that we will have tendencies to stay with people who have something in common with us, and this is natural. now, let's check out the javanese proverb below. -

Javanese Quotes - One Who Is Clever But Has Bad Manners Likes Evil People

One Who Is Clever But Has Bad Manners Likes Evil People
Google Image - One Who Is Clever But Has Bad Manners Likes Evil People

Javanese Version:
Wong pinter nanging ala tumindake,
senenge karo wong ala.

English Version:
One who is clever but has bad manners
likes evil people.

That is the javanese quotes for today, we hope you like it and find the value behind it. Thank you for your visit, make sure to come back tomorrow. Don't forget to read our article entitled "One Who Has Come To The Completion Of Knowledge".

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One Who Has Come To The Completion Of Knowledge

One Who Has Come To The Completion Of Knowledge

The more knowledge we have in ourself, the better we will behave in our daily life. There has been so many evidence supporting this javanese quotes that education or learning process does change someone attitude. This is why, we shouldn't stop learning. -

Javanese Quotes - One Who Has Come To The Completion Of Knowledge

One Who Has Come To The Completion Of Knowledge
Google Image - One Who Has Come To The Completion Of Knowledge

Javanese Version:
Titikane wong putus ngelmu,
basa kang bisa gawe tentrem lan bungahing liyan.

English Version:
One who has come to the completion of knowledge
is capable of speaking that brings peace and joy to others.

I think this javanese quotes works in two direction. First if you study then you will have a good attitude, and second if you want to have a good attitude then you have to study. Well i don't know if my opinion is true. What do you think?

Another reason for us to keep learning is because "One Who Is Stupid And Poor In Knowledge Is Like Poison". If you don't want to be considered as poison then keep learning and improving your knowledge.

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One Who Is Stupid And Poor In Knowledge Is Like Poison

One Who Is Stupid And Poor In Knowledge Is Like Poison

This javanese quotes remind us to keep learning about anything that will be useful in our life. Because if we know nothing at all and we also cannot do anything, then we are as good as poison, not only to ourself but also to other peope around us. Why? because we are gong to rely on others all the time, we can never be independent, and this is super annoying. Can you imagine that you became someone who cannot take care of his/her own self? Of course no. -

Javanese Quotes - One Who Is Stupid And Poor In Knowledge Is Like Poison

One Who Is Stupid And Poor In Knowledge Is Like Poison
Google Image - One Who Is Stupid And Poor In Knowledge Is Like Poison

Javanese Version:
Wong kang bodho lan mlarat ilmu,
yen kumpul karo wong akeh iku kaya dene wisa,
marga mung nambahi gelaning ati.

English Version:
One who is stupid and poor in knowledge
is like poison when being together with others,
as he only causes frustration.

Hopefully this javanese quotes will bring a new spirit into our life to keep growing to be better person with a lot of knowledge and useful skills, so that we can be a reliable person.

Don't forget to read another javanese quotes related to this one entitled "One Who Is Void Of Knowledge Remains Silent In A Meeting". Thank you for your visit and see you again.

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One Who Is Void Of Knowledge Remains Silent In A Meeting

One Who Is Void Of Knowledge Remains Silent In A Meeting

Reading is a very important activity for everyone. Because, it is through reading we actually learn something and expand our knowledge. If we rarely read anything for a very long time, then the thing that will happen is just like this javanese quotes told to the people since a long time ago. Let's find out what it is. -

Javanese Quotes - One Who Is Void Of Knowledge Remains Silent In A Meeting

One Who Is Void Of Knowledge Remains Silent In A Meeting
Google Image - One Who Is Void Of Knowledge Remains Silent In A Meeting

Javanese Version:
Wong kang sepi ing kawruh
samangsa ana pasamuan kang ngrembug kawruh,
mesthi meneng wae kaya wong bisu, marga ora mudheng.

English Version:
One who is void of knowledge
remains silent in a meeting where knowledge is discussed,
because he understands nothing.

I believe no one expect this to happen in their life. That is why we have to keep improving our knowledge. One of many ways to achieve it is through reading. Beside that, there are a lot of thing that we can do to improve our knowledge, such as study at school, watching video that contains the knowledge we needed, or anything that can bring us a lot of input to our brain.

Remember, when we already know a lot of things, don't let it make us to be arrogant person. We have to learn more and more, because the more we learn, the more we didn't know. And don't forget to always "Follow Your Parents' Advice".

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Follow Your Parents' Advice

Follow Your Parents' Advice

We believe this quotes is not only exist in Java island, in fact we think that this is a universal quotes. Whoever you are, without your parents you will never be what you are now. Not only grateful, but we also have to obey their command, and follow their advice. -

Javanese Quotes - Follow Your Parents' Advice

Follow Your Parents' Advice
Google Image - Follow Your Parents' Advice

Javanese Version:
Turuten pituture wong tuwa.

English Version:
Follow your parents' advice.

Our parents always want the best for us, this is also a reason why we need to listen to our parents advice. Thank you for your visit, we hope you enjoy our article and catch the lesson behind the javanese quotes that we presented just now.

Spend a little more time to read another interesting article entitled "Bothering Others Makes Fellow-Man Suffer".

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Bothering Others Makes Fellow Man Suffer

Bothering Others Makes Fellow Man Suffer

Asking for help to someone is okay, especially if the person that we asked for help to is our close friend or family. But, when we keep doing it over and over again and we start to rely on them all the time, this is starting to be annoying and bothersome, and of course not okay. Also, it will cost a lot to the person we asked for help to, such as time, energy or money. -

Javanese Quotes - Bothering Others Makes Fellow Man Suffer

Bothering Others Makes Fellow Man Suffer
Google Image - Bothering Others Makes Fellow Man Suffer

Javanese Version:
Dadi gawening liyan iku sasat nelangsaning sapadha-padha.

English Version:
Bothering others makes fellow-man suffer.

What ever happened in our life, and how hard even our life is, it is better for us to stand on our own feet with our own strength. We hope you like our article today, and see you again next time. But, before you close our website, make sure to read our article entitled "One Fights With Oneself".

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One Fights With Oneself

One Fights With Oneself

This javanese quotes is about internal conflict within ourself. Sometime we may feel uneasy, worried, and tired of our restless mind. Have you ever figure it out why this situation happened to us? This javanese proverb may have just the answer to that question. -

Javanese Quotes - One Fights With Oneself

One Fights With Oneself
Google Image - One Fights With Oneself

Javanese Version:
Perang tumrap awake dhewe iku
lamun ora bisa meper hawa napsu.

English Version:
One fights with oneself when one is not capable
of controlling one's passions.

So, what do you think about it? do you agree with the statement inside the javanese quotes above? If you do, then the key to avoid an internal conflict within ourself is to learn to control our passion. Maybe we can start it by releasing all grudge in our heart, with this we can start to have peace inside. Afterall, "A Wise Man Is One Who Has Mercy And Who Forgives".

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A Wise Man Is One Who Has Mercy And Who Forgives

A Wise Man Is One Who Has Mercy And Who Forgives

Forgiving someone elses' mistake on us is a smart choice. Because with this we will be easy to move on from an unnecessary problem, and we can focus to the necessary one. So if you are wise enough, follow the lesson behind this javanese quotes in your life. -

Javanese Quotes - A Wise Man Is One Who Has Mercy And Who Forgives

A Wise Man Is One Who Has Mercy And Who Forgives
Google Image - A Wise Man Is One Who Has Mercy And Who Forgives

Javanese Version:
Wong linuwih iku ambek welas lan sugih pangapura.

English Version:
A wise man is one who has mercy
and who forgives

It is a smart and wise choice to forgive and forget a mistake, because it will make our life to have less burden, so we can enjoy our time more. Beside, we have a more important mission in our life, that is "One Must Seek Good".

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One Must Seek Good

One Must Seek Good

As we still live in this world, we have to always search for goodness in life. That is the value behind this javanese quotes. Why did we have to search for it? Because it is from everything around us, and our environment that we learn a goodness that now has shaped our character. For example your fathers routine to do exercise every morning is the reason that you do the same things. So if we keep searching goodness in life, we will also imitate a lot of good attitude, which always make us grow to be a better person. -

Javanese Quotes - One Must Seek Good

One Must Seek Good
Google Image - One Must Seek Good

Javanese Version:
Wong iku kudu ngudi kabecikan,
jalaran kabecikan iku sanguning urip.

English Version:
One must seek good,
as good is required in life.

Thank you for your visit. We hope all of articles in our website will be useful for all of our beloved visitor. Not only to find a life lesson from each javanese quotes that we share, but also to learn javanese language through its ancient proverb. Don't forget to check out our previous article entitled "Whoever Forgets A Good Deed Will Meet With Misfortune".

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Whoever Forgets A Good Deed Will Meet With Misfortune

Whoever Forgets A Good Deed Will Meet With Misfortune

Do you remember our previous javanese quotes about writing a good deed on a stone? I believe you do. The reason why we need to write a good deed on a stone is because we have to always remember a good deed. Not only to remember a good deed that others do to us, but also to remember that we have to try to do a good things in any situation. Let's read this javanese quotes below, which remind us the effect if we forgot a good deed. -

Javanese Quotes - Whoever Forgets A Good Deed Will Meet With Misfortune

Whoever Forgets A Good Deed Will Meet With Misfortune
Google Image - Whoever Forgets A Good Deed Will Meet With Misfortune

Javanese Version:
Sing lali marang panggawe kang becik bakal nemoni cilaka.

English Version:
Whoever forgets a good deed will meet with misfortune.

Remember, if you don't want to find any misfortune in your life, try to remember a good deed anytime. Beside, our good deed is the thing that we will bring along with us when we die, because "A Dead Man Cannot Take His Wealth With Him".

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A Dead Man Cannot Take His Wealth With Him

A Dead Man Cannot Take His Wealth With Him

A javanese quotes related to the story of the afterlife. Also a reminder for all of us that our time in this world is limited, and we need to prepare for the eternity in the next phase of life cycle. What kind of preparation that we need? A sophisticated life supporting tools? A bunch of money? or a number of security details? Of course no, because we cannot bring any of that when we die. -

Javanese Quotes - A Dead Man Cannot Take His Wealth With Him

A Dead Man Cannot Take His Wealth With Him
Google Image - A Dead Man Cannot Take His Wealth With Him

Javanese Version:
Wong mati iku bandhane ora digawa.

English Version:
A dead man cannot take his wealth with him.

This javanese quotes remind us to not only spending our time in the world just to piling up money, but also to do good to others. Because good deed is what will we bring along with us when we die.

That is the quote of the day, we hope it will be useful for all of us. Don't forget to read our article entitled "A Hard Or Easy Life Is The Result Of One's Own Doings".

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A Hard Or Easy Life Is The Result Of One's Own Doings

A Hard Or Easy Life Is The Result Of One's Own Doings

Hello guys, as usual we will show you an interesting and meaningful javanese quotes. But before we show you our quotes of the day, we will try to give an introductory explanation to help you to understand the value behind this javanese proverb below.

Sometimes we may feel that there are so many burden in our life. Especially when some problem come up in the same time. It feels like our life is so hard. At this moment we start to find a way out to finish the problem. But, have you ever think differently? I mean instead of trying to find a way out, have you ever try to find the reason why all of that problem occured? Because when we do this, we may find that the reason of the problem in our life was actually our own action. -

Javanese Quotes - A Hard Or Easy Life Is The Result Of One's Own Doings

A Hard Or Easy Life Is The Result Of One's Own Doings
Google Image - A Hard Or Easy Life Is The Result Of One's Own Doings

Javanese Version:
Abot entheng saka penggawene dhewe.

English Version:
A hard or easy life is the result of one's own doings.

Thank you very much for your visit, we hope that you get the lesson behind this javanese quotes. So, whenever we had a problem, try  to look back into ourself, because maybe we are the reason why the problem happened. But if you want your life to be out of trouble, maybe you need to learn the lesson inside this javanese quotes: "Be Like Paddy".

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Be Like Paddy

Be Like Paddy

This javanese quotes is very famous among the people in Indonesia. You will notice that the use of this proverb is very common in any condition. It is believed that "Paddy" life cycle contains a philosophical lesson for human nature. Let's find out the complete form of this wise word below. -

Javanese Quotes - Be Like Paddy

Be Like Paddy
Google Image - Be Like Paddy

Javanese Version:
Ngelmu pari saya isi saya tumungkul.

English Version:
Be like paddy, which bends deeper as it ripens.

That is the moral value behind this javanese quotes. We should always remember, no matter how much knowledge we have, or how much things that we can accomplish, we should never be arrogant. We have to try to be humble in any situation.

Thank you for your visit. Before you go, you might want to know what happen with "Someone Who Love To Satisfy Others".

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Someone Who Love To Satisfy Others

Someone Who Love To Satisfy Others

This javanese quotes taught us to do good to others all the time. We can do this by giving help to others when they need it, or we can just entertain them with our own ways. For example, we can sing a song, ask them to dance with us, or we can also tell them a joke, especially if we are quite good at this.

Whenever we please someone, somehow there will be an intention from them to return the favor. And this is the reason why, there is a javanese proverb like this one. -

Javanese Quotes - Someone Who Love To Satisfy Others

Someone Who Love To Satisfy Others
Google Image - Someone Who Love To Satisfy Others

Javanese Version:
Sing sapa gelem gawe seneng marang liyan,
iku bakal oleh wales kang luwih gedhe.

English Version:
Someone who love to satisfy others,
will be given a bigger reward.

The returned favor may not exactly be the same as what we gave them. But if we want to see it clearly, we actually get much more in return. But this doesn't mean that we always expecting something in return when we try to satisfy others.

Before you leave our website, make sure that you read this article first : Have Faith In Yourself.

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Have Faith In Yourself

Have Faith In Yourself

Everyone has potential. With this potential they will be able to do anything and they can be anything they want. But this potential will be meaningless if they do not believe in theirself. Just like this javanese quotes told us that the key to unlock a great power inside us is to think that we can. -

Javanese Quotes - Have Faith In Yourself

Have Faith In Yourself
Google Image - Have Faith In Yourself

Javanese Version:
Precaya marang dhiri pribadi.

English Version:
Have faith in yourself.

Remember that you have something great in you. I do not know what it is, your parents may not know what it is, the only one who know the strength inside you is yourself. So you have to believe in yourself, always think that you can. Because no matter what happen, when we believe that we can, and we never stop, we will make it happen. And when you already believe in yourself, what you have to do next is to "Dare To Put A Skill Into Practice".

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Dare To Put A Skill Into Practice

Dare To Put A Skill Into Practice

I took a public speaking training last month. Throughout the training I learned some basic principles in public speaking. But is it enough for me to be a good public speaker? This javanese quotes will illustrate how important a practice is for anything that we want to be able to do in our life. -

Javanese Quotes - Dare To Put A Skill Into Practice

Dare To Put A Skill Into Practice
Google Image - Dare To Put A Skill Into Practice

Javanese Version:
Balilu tau pinter durung nglakoni.

English Version:
Dare to put a skill into practice
is often better than merely knowing its rules.

See? practice is very important in mastering something or some skill. Just like the first time we learned to eat by using a spoon, no theory about it, we just do it, right?

Honesty is one thing that require practice in our life, because it is not easy to be an honest person. This is important because in any situation or problem, "Honesty Will Eventually Be Stand Out". Thank you for your visit, se you again.

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Honesty Will Eventually Be Stand Out

Honesty Will Eventually Be Stand Out

Don't ever be afraid to tell the truth. This may be the value behind the javanese quotes below. There is a reason for this proverb to grow in the society, because telling lies is a habbit among the people wherever it is. This is actually natural, because who doesn't like to be loved, right? But let's see this javanese quotes first and try to figure out why it is better for us to be honest and just tell the truth in every situation. -

Javanese Quotes - Honesty Will Eventually Be Stand Out

Honesty Will Eventually Be Stand Out
Google Image - Honesty Will Eventually Be Stand Out

Javanese Version:
Sing sapa temen tinemu.

English Version:
Honesty will eventually be stand out.

So, which one do you choose? to be honest or not? Well, that's your choice. But "When Others Do Good To You", a small honest and sincere word of "Thank you" will means a lot for them, so make sure that you never forget that.

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When Others Do Good To You

When Others Do Good To You

What will you do when you get help from someone? First thing that you might possibly do is to say thanks. Well, it turns out that we have a javanese proverb that just right for this kind of situation. Let's find out what this javanese quotes suggest us to do when someone do good to us. -

Javanese Quotes - When Others Do Good To You

When Others Do Good To You
Google Image - When Others Do Good To You

Javanese Version:
Yen sira dibeciki ing liyan,
tulisen ing watu.
Yen sira gawe kebecikan marang liyan,
tulisen ing lemah.

English Version:
When others do good to you,
inscribe it on a stone.
When you do good to others,
write it down on earth.

The message behind this javanese quotes are :
First, we have to try to always remember someone elses' merit upon ourself.
Second, we have to try to forget our merit upon someone elses.

This javanese quotes has a good lesson that will make a good character for you, especially in your journey to "Seek Virtuous Life While You Are Young". Thank you very much for your visit.

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Seek Virtuous Life While You Are Young

Seek Virtuous Life While You Are Young

What do you have in mind when you read this javanese quotes? Well, you may come up with so many answer. But for me, this is what I thought when i first read this javanese proverb. The lesson behind this quotes for me is we need to start our journey to a virtuous life since we were young. Because it takes a long process to achieve a virtuous life, and if we start it early, we will have plenty of time to prepare ourself. -

Javanese Quotes - Seek Virtuous Life While You Are Young

Seek Virtuous Life While You Are Young
Google Image - Seek Virtuous Life While You Are Young

Javanese Version:
Mumpung anom ngudiya laku utama.

English Version:
Seek virtuous life while you are young.

If we seek a virtuous life early, not only preparation time that we have as our advantages, but also we will have a good character, beacuse youth is where character shaping take place. We may find so many problem and challenge in our journey to a virtuous life, but we have to stay strong to "Overcome All Hindrances".

Thank you for your visit and see you again.

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Overcome All Hindrances

Overcome All Hindrances

This is one of the most famous javanese quotes in Indonesia. If you askthe meaning of it to anyone in Java Island or even in Indonesia, I am sure that they will all be able to answer it. People in java use this quotes in order to describe the condition where they are in the middle of doing something but suddenly problem appear, they usually said this javanese proverb right away, as means to burn their spirit to keep doing what they were doing until it finish. -

Javanese Quotes - Overcome All Hindrances

Overcome All Hindrances
Google Image - Overcome All Hindrances

Javanese Version:
Rawe-rawe rantas malang malang putung.

English Version:
Overcome all hindrances.

This quotes is used by the people in java as statement to not giving up on something. You can try to say it to burn your spirit too. Do you want to know more about the spirit of javanese? find it here "Winning Without Humiliating".

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Winning Without Humiliating

Winning Without Humiliating

In javanese culture there is a proverb which tought us the value of winning on a competition. Because in our life, we will face a lot of competition in any form, and to win is a basic nature of human. That is the reason why the ancestor in java island put this value into a wise word, so that the people will always remember it. -

Javanese Quotes - Winning Without Humiliating

Winning Without Humiliating
Google Image - Winning Without Humiliating

Javanese Version:
Menang tanpa ngasorake.

English Version:
Winning without humiliating.

Whenever you are in a competition remember this quote. Because winning by cheating will never bring us anywhere near satisfaction. And when we won a competition always rember to "Be Humble".

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Be Humble

Be Humble

A short yet meaningful javanese quotes "Be humble". It remind us to be always down to earth and always be a low profile person. Because if we think about it, there are a lot of advantages of doing this, for example: we will be able to interact with anyone from any background, it will also keep us away from any harm, because a humble person usually have many friends. Let's find out the javanese version of this quotation. -

Javanese Quotes - Be Humble

Be Humble
Google Image - Be Humble

Javanese Version:
Andhap asor.

English Version:
Be humble

Hopefully this javanese quotes will remind us to be a humble person. So that we will be able to live our life peacefully. And dont forget to "Look Into Yourself", because with this we will realize about our mistake and fix it while we still can.

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Look Into Yourself

Look Into Yourself

Sometimes we accidentally said something that hurt other people feelings. Or we treat someone unfairly just because we have some negative judgment about them. And at the end, when we realize that it was wrong, it was all too late. So before you say something or do something, always remember this old javanese quotes "look into yourself". -

Javanese Quotes - Look Into Yourself

Look Into Yourself
Google Image - Look Into Yourself

Javanese Version:
Mulat salira,
tansah eling kalawan waspada.

English Version:
Look into yourself,
be always conscientious and prepared.

Thank you for your visit,we hope you will catch the lesson inside this javanese quote. Remember, try to always be careful and think before we act or say something, because I believe that "Speech Can Cause Good".

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Speech Can Cause Good

Speech Can Cause Good

Someone may have a good reputation for what they did. But this javanese quotes will show you that it is our speech that we can use to build our reputation. Because this is one of the way that we can control. For example, we can manage the way we talk to people, or we can also avoid using word or statement that will hurt some people. Let's see the complete sentence of this javanese proverb. -

Javanese Quotes - Speech Can Cause Good

Speech Can Cause Good
Google Image - Speech Can Cause Good

Javanese Version:
Pangucap iku bisa dadi jalaran kebecikan.
Pangucap uga dadi jalaraning pati, kesengsaraan, pamitran.
Pangucap uga dadi jalaraning wirang.

English Version:
Speech can cause good.
Speech can also cause death, suffering, and friendship.
Speech can also bring shame.

If we understand the moral value behind this javanese quotes, then we will understand that we should be really careful whenever we speak, because it might be the one thing that bring us shame.

You need to know that we have a quotation that is in line with the javanese quotes above. Just follow this link to find out: The Heat Of Burning Fire.

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The Heat Of Burning Fire

The Heat Of Burning Fire

You must be wondering, what happen with the heat of burning fire? Well you will know soon enough after you read this ancient javanese quotes. This quotes does not need a deep interpretation because the lesson or its value is explicitly stated on the quotes. Let's see it. -

Javanese Quotes - The Heat Of Burning Fire

The Heat Of Burning Fire
Google Image - The Heat Of Burning Fire

Javanese Version:
Geni murub iku panase ngluwihi panase srengenge,
ewa dene umpama ditikelake loro,
isih kalah panas tinimbang guneme durjana.

English Version:
The heat of burning fire is greater than
that of the sun,
but even if doubled it is not as hot as
the speech of an evil man.

Woow, that was just a clear statement that warn us to not listen to the word of an evil man, because it will only burn us inside. Another reason to stay away from an evil man beside this quote "A Centipede Has Poison On Its Head". Thank you for your visit, see you again.

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A Centipede Has Poison On Its Head

A Centipede Has Poison On Its Head

When you look at the title of this javanese quotes, you may think that we are going to talk about nature or animal. But wait until you read the complete quotation below. It turns out that this javanese proverb contain a warning for all of us to be careful with a kind of man. So, what kind of man is that? let's find out. -

Javanese Quotes - A Centipede Has Poison On Its Head

A Centipede Has Poison On Its Head
Google Image - A Centipede Has Poison On Its Head

Javanese Version:
Klabang iku wisane ana ing sirah,
Kalajengking iku wisane mung ana pucuk buntut,
nanging yen durjana wisane dumunung ana ing sekujur badan.

English Version:
A centipede has poison on its head,
a scorpion on its tail,
an evil man has it all over his body.

The javanese quotes above taught us that an evil man is even more dangerous than a centipede and scorpion combine. We should try to avoid this type of man, and surely we should not be one. Beside that, we should not be lazy to, because "A Lazy Man Is Similar To Indigestible Food".

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A Lazy Men Is Similar To Indigestible Food

A Lazy Men Is Similar To Indigestible Food

Well, this javanese quotes is totally not about me LoL. How about you? I think nobody want to be consider as "indigestible food" right? Absolutely no. Let's just see the javanese version and also the english version of the complete quotes. -

Javanese Quotes - A Lazy Men Is Similar To Indigestible Food

A Lazy Men Is Similar To Indigestible Food
Google Image - A Lazy Men Is Similar To Indigestible Food

Javanese Version:
Tumrap wong lumuh lan keset iku prasasat wisa,
pangan kang ora bisa ajur iku kena diarani wisa,
jalaran mung bakal nuwuhake lelara.

English Version:
A lazy man is similar to indigestible food,
they only cause desease.

So guys, don't be a lazy man, and don't eat indigestible food. And don't forget to read our article entitled "Evil Will Eventually Be Revealed".

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Evil Will Eventually Be Revealed

Evil Will Eventually Be Revealed

There is a very good lesson that we can take from this javanese quotes. The lesson is that no matter how hard we try to conceal an evil doing, one day, sooner or later it will come up to the surface and be revealed. The same case also happen for a good deed, we don't have to show it and claim it in front of people, because one day it will also be recognized by the people. -

Javanese Quotes - Evil Will Eventually Be Revealed

Evil Will Eventually Be Revealed
Google Image - Evil Will Eventually Be Revealed

Javanese Version:
Ala ketara becik ketitik.

English Version:
Evil will eventually be revealed,
good will eventually be recognized.

If we take the value of this javanese wisdom quotes, I believe that we dont have to be worry about a grudge. Because if someone hurt us secretly, we will find out about it eventually.

Hey! Do you believe that "A Vigilant Man Will Be Safe" ?

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